Summer sales have begun!!

Summer sale season has ARRIVED!!!!!! I wish I wasnt away so I could actually go an enjoy it! However I will just have to lie in the sun and drown my sorrows in sangria!! However those of you still at home get ready!!!!!
The Harvey Nichols sale is honestly one of my favourites!! It has always been world-renowned for the opportunity they offer customers to pick up exclusive fashion at greatly reduced prices!! This year their ad campaign for the sale is one that has created quite a buzz (and in my opinion is amazing) With a play on the infamous phrase “It was so good, I almost peed my pants!” . The tongue-in-cheek campaign features otherwise presentable models alongside the wryly dry strap-line, “The Harvey Nichols Sale. Try to contain your excitement”. The picture speaks for itself!!
The Harvey Nichols Summer Sale launches in store and online
Today, June 13th, with up to 50% off. See in-store for details
And if you do happen to buy anything let me know!!



  1. Anonymous
    June 14, 2012 / 3:22 am

    Sounds good will have to check them out. Great time to go shopping for summer holiday clothes

  2. June 15, 2012 / 5:17 am

    wow that's so exciting! I'll have to go check it!

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