Life Lately

So recently while trawling through some of my favourite blogs, mainly Girl Avantgarde. I’v noticed a growing theme of ”Life Lately” posts. I love this idea, its so cute and fun. So I decided to do it for myself. With college and final year I’v found it increasingly hard to have the time to actually post a blog post. Even right now I’m writing this post while in my local Starbucks doing a college assignment. My laptop and me have become increasingly attached , but not for any good reasons sadly. 

In the past week I have made 2 trips (shamefull I know its just really that good) to my beloved mexican obsession that is Cortinas. Its the only spare time I get to relax so I’m spending it where I love. Really if your ever in Dublin Try it It really really really is as good as I say

Christmas fever has really hit Dublin in a huge way, and I love it. Since its getting darker earlier and earlier I get to enjoy walking down Grafton Street more often and every time I get that Christmas feeling. Im now getting the urge to put up my christmas tree… too early?

His dearest self had he college graduation this past weekend which was amazing to be apart off, so amazing it was the whole inspiration of my recent blog, and I know what your already thinking and yes I can be a more cheesyier girlfriend dont worry!!!

And this is currently my view, I have turned into one of those people who drinks Starbucks and owns a Mac. Im living on skinny cappuccinos while doing my assignments, would anyone like to save me from this Assignment hell??? All applicants come to starbucks and drag me out of here.



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