One thing I have learned this week is that doctor ordered bed rest realllly isnt as fun as it seems. Thanks to my lovely boyfriend(note the sarcasm) I have been struck down with a not so lovely viral infection in my glands and an ever so lovely head cold!! Thanks Babe!!!!!
So Mr.Doctor told me on wednesday to get my sick ass home and back into bed until the weekend. I really thought this was great. I soon learned its really awfully boring. I realised on Thursday what people meant when they said being bedridden isnt fun..
My slippers have become my number 1 go to fashion accessories the last few days. Actually pyjamas in general have. Living within the confines of a bedroom and a couch don’t really much room for conscious fashion choices, so piggy slippers was the number one fashion choice of the week.
In between napping away the hours in my new home for the week- my bed. I began to entertain my self with my second love after him self- sex and the city!!!!
As most of my friends know, I am the ultimate Sex and the City junkie, so what better way to pass away the time then watch every single episode on dvd as well as the 2 movies. I now have an urge to go shopping in jimmy choo and build a walk in wardrobe like Carries.
Maybe one day….
I also noticed that i hit 620 followers. I wanted to thank each any every one of you. Some of you may know that I have been writing on this little thing since 2009. Although back then it was a totally different blog. It was fully fashion show and fashion style related. There was nothing about me.
That was until I decided to take the bull by the horns and start it up again nearly a year ago, next month. In this past year my blog has become something I always imagined it one day would.
Be prepared for a very very soppy 1yr Birthday Blog coming in the next few weeks.
…this is me now…. studying away! Exams start in less than 2 weeks and im……SCARED!! They are my last ever exam I will have to do fingers crossed. Its really scary knowing that im coming to an end of my school life…. where too next I do not know. Heres hoping its somewhere hot this summer. In need of a holiday baddd!
I'm coming up for my last ever exams as well! Scary shizzle I have to say!!
So scary i know!!!! Good Luck in yours:) xx
Bed rest SUCKS! I totally understand where you are coming from, I mean there is only so much sleeping one can do!
I hope you feel better soon x
I know right??? I always thought it was great to be able to sleep all day!!! thanks hunny xxx
awhhh hope you feel better i had tonsillitis all week and i was going out of my mind! xxx just followed xxx
oh no you poor thing!!! hope your feeling better!! xx
Wonderful post…I like your blog.^^
Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets Nessa
Oh that sucks! I hope you feel better soon 🙂 xx
Lucy Loves To Blog
Super cute piggy slippers! Hope you feel better soon!
Stevie x
Hope you feel better soon, love your blog 🙂
Poppy | far away
Hope you feel better soon hun. Good luck with your exams xx
Love that you post about yourself, it's so much fun to 'discover' people! Hope you feel better soon!