Amazingly Healthy Chicken and Corn Stir-Fry Recipe

Hi Lovelies, 

Work has seriously taken me away from blogging and deflated my mojo just ever so slightly but thankfully everyone is out and I have a few spare hours to myself tonight so I can blog to my hearts content. 

Last night,post horrible blood tests in the doctors, I decided to be healthy and make himself some dinner. This was one of those dinners that was made from everything left over from the night before and other bits and bobs from the cupboard. I honestly didnt have high hopes for it AT ALL but in the end my guessing measurements ended up being perfect and this became seriously yummy 

Healthy Chicken and Corn Stir-Fry

So now I know this isnt a normal Stir-Fry but trust me its amazing.


Cooked Chicken(Saves time so its done in minutes)

1 Cup of Corn

Large chunk of Feta Cheese

1 onion 


Salad to garnish

In a wok heat up the chicken and add the corn and onions. This takes no time at all , just enough to brown the onions.

Break up the feta , and add to the pan. Dont over cook this, just enough to allow the Feta to melt slightly

and Voila!!! Your (seriously) quick and easy chicken and corn stir-fry is done in less than 7minutes. 

I served mine on a bed of lettuce and a spicy green chilly sauce. 


This is one seriously tasty chicken dish and the perfect thing to whip up after a long day instead of reaching for the take-away menus!!!

Let me know if you try it out for yourself.




  1. June 12, 2013 / 8:45 pm

    Sounds great! I'll definitely try it out!

    • June 17, 2013 / 9:22 pm

      Was great to meet you as well. We should do coffee sometime and get to know one another x

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