Turning 24 Has Never Felt So Good!

Getting a lil’ bit personal on my birthday week (it is a thing I swear!) 

As I headed to bed on the 10th of February 2015, all excited to turn 23 the next morning, I went through the usual routine – Lancome facemask, eye cream, flick through Twitter and Instagram and then pop on to Elite Daily to see what fun musings they were writing about. That’s when I stumbled upon the article – 23 Reasons Why 23 Is Absolutely The Worst Year Of Your Life . 

I read it – mistake number 1, and I believed it – mistake number 2.

I headed into 23 in a negative mental state. I was fearing what was about to come. I believed some silly little article penned to be humorous, I believed it as if it was fact. So much so I negatively lived through 23 as if everything was fact. I didn’t embrace opportunities as I should have and I didn’t look after myself like I knew I wanted too. 

While turning 24 this week was a shock, mainly because I’m so close to 25, I have never been in a better place in my life.  As many of you may know if you’ve read my blog for quite some time, my best friend and grandmother passed away in 2014. This hit me like a tonne of brinks more so last year than anything, but for the first time since then I am truly truly happy again. 

I am in a new job that to say I love and adore is an understatement, I am still some how in love with John after 5 and a half years and we are finally looking into creating a home of our own. Things are falling into place and I couldn’t be happier. 

It has taken me a while to get on my feet, and for the first time in a long time I don’t feel down or nervous about the future. 

This year will be full of surprises and I cannot wait to find out what ever day has in store. 

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1 Comment

  1. February 14, 2016 / 12:22 pm

    Happy Birthday! I hope that this years continues to be wonderful and that great things happen for you!

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