Can you believe a month and a half has passed with my new skincare regime? Lets see what the results are!
Between changes in skincare, and some major changes in life, this month has been a good one in my opinion, but maybe not a good one for my skin. I definitely put myself and my face through its paces with a shocking amount of late nights, and worrying days, but right now is the first time in a good few months I can say I am truly happy and myself again in my life and job. It has been a long time since I have been able to say that, and I am definitely thinking about writing a post about it – somethings tells me a skincare post isn’t the place to chat about my life’s issues – but this month may not have been the best time to give Image a good trial, or it may have been the best given the paces I have put me and my face through.
In my last 2 posts I have gone through my consultation with Jennifer Rock, and also what each of my skincare products claim to do! Now you observant ones will notice I am writing this post on week 6, and I obviously omitted week 3, but there is method to my madness.
Honestly I didn’t see the point in going though the effects on my face in week 3 given that I wanted to go in depth in my last post, and I was under such stress in week 4 and 5, with far to many stress breakouts, I didn’t think it would be fair to give Image its final assessment during that week.
I also wanted to give my skin a good blast with image and really see what the results were – one things for sure the photo below also proves how tired I was taking that before photo, also please please do not judge the eyebrows in the before photo – they got a tidy 2 days later!!
Personally I can definitely see a brightness to my skin that was not there before. While I did suffer a few breakouts, from the late nights and not so nutritious foods I was putting into my body, I can definitely see a reduction in the fine lines I once noticed on my forehead.
One thing I definitely took away from this month, other than a new obsession for Image Skincare and Jennifer Rock, is that the simplest things can really have an effect on the skin. I never noticed how easy breakouts can pop up from what you are putting into your body, Jennifer’s term ‘ Feed the Skin From Within’ has never seemed more appropriate.
As a lover of makeup, I will regularly get clogged pores. While these have not completely gone, there is a serious reduction in them. When I wake up my skin feels cleaner – if that is possible.
While I have still used my Clarisonic, with the Image cleansers of course, I’ve noticed a deeper clean using the cleansers from Image over ones I have used previously.
Any negatives? The only negative I have, and it is something that does not bother me but may bother others, is that the Image skincare products are quite scented, in particular the Ageless Total Facial Cleanser. While I love the cleanser – it can have a strong smell just bare that in mind.
Other than that I can safely say I think I may be hooked to Image. As a blogger I am extremely fortunate to receive some incredible products, and a lot of skincare product, so I will be trying out some other brands and letting you all know how I get on but for the moment I think me and Image are getting along quite nicely.
Hope you have enjoyed my Image skincare blogs. If you missed the other two, you can find the first one Here, and the second one Here!
Happy Cleansing –
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