Transforming My Brows & Lashes Thanks to LiLash & Librow

To a girl, good lashes and brows are key to success, or at least for me they are. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, tut tut if you haven’t, than you may know of the struggles I have had with my brows.

Growing up with a pleasant mono-brow made me and tweezers best friends from an early age, que a major over plucking story that resulted in far from pleasant brows and some awkward family photos!! Fast forward to 3 years ago when a lovely beautician commented on them being to far apart….. evidently I was fairly embarrassed and ran to the nearest make up counter to fill them in. As upsetting as this was it pushed me to start getting them done professionally, given it was nearly a year until I ventured in to do it but it was on my list. I had been hearing amazing things about Elysian Brows on south William street for ages so headed in for my first threading experience and I haven’t looked back since, now an avid customer every few months. 

Given the majority of my tween damage is fixed, there’s still the odd sparse area on the brow that needs some loving so when I was lucky enough to receive a package with some magical brow and lash growing essentials my god did I jump for joy!!! Cosmetic Pros are specialists in creating products that maximise the eyes. They have created two amazingly innovative products to help every girls lash and brow problems.

 First Up Lashes! 

 Lilash conditions and fortifies the lash follicles to help growth and volume. It is a simple serum on what can only be described as a lipgloss brush that you apply along the lash line in alternating strokes daily. I used it every night before bed as otherwise I would have completely forgotten to do it!!! It not only lengthens and volumise’s the lashes but I found it gave mine a great separation and they didn’t seem clumpy. Its also perfect for sensitive eyes, as many of you may know mine can get seriously sensitive at times (enter the time I went majorly puffey-eyed post tanning one day!!)

 Now I’ve always had fairly long lashes so I wasn’t expecting to see amazing miracles but I was seriously pleasantly surprised. My lashes have grown a little longer, not as long as I was hoping but oh well, I was really more excited about the volume it gave me. I just seem to have a lot more of them then I used to, yet they seem to clump less when I use mascara – coincidence or magic lilash-ness who knows but I’m a happy bunny now! 

 Next Librow!

 Oh brows, brows, brows where do I start with explaining my hatred of them! Well lets continue on from my little tale above shall we, first thing the beautiful Marianna pointed out, along with them indeed being too tooo far apart, but the little buggers are actually not aligned, yes that’s right one likes to grow higher than the other. Not ideal but with a new threading schedule this is easily rectified. Along with this pleasant news I also discovered that there is a scar at the beginning of my left brow, me and mum are blaming dad and his babysitting skills when I was a baba on this one! This means that no matter how terrifically threaded they are, the brow will always be a little off. This is why I put so much hope in Librow.

 As I have fairly bushy brows any way (ta dad!!!) I only used Librow every 2 days to generate a little growth in the middle and in front of the scar to make covering up a little easier. I was seriously impressed at how quickly the growth began. Librow is designed to help those over plucked and patchy brows quite like mine. It also gently tints and darkens the brows as they grow which is amazing for a dark haired gal like my self. While the definition of the brows shape I put completely down to Marianna, I do have to say that Librow really did help in my growth and filling in the patches. I have a brow appointment for later next month so I’m super excited to see how perfect they look without any brow products! 

Before & After 

You can really see the difference in my lashes in length slightly, but as I mentioned I have very long lashes to begin with, but also in volume. The after (right) is with no mascara or extensions, its just pure lashes! I’m so impressed! 

 While Lilash & Librow are expensive, it really is a good go to if your having issues with your brows and lashes. Lilash & Librow are available in 2 sizes, the original (€131.56)* which contains a 6 month cycle (an application per day) and the Demi (€75.18) *which contains a 3 month induction cycle perfect for beginners who want to see if it can really work for them!!

Have you tried Lilash or Librow before?? If not what brow and lash issues do you hope it will fix? 

Also gals, buy before the 10th of May you will recieve a fab cosmetic bag with ever purchase!!!

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    • May 12, 2015 / 9:47 pm

      It is expensive but for the lashes especially I cant recommend it enough! xxx

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